Tuesday 28 August 2012

The New World Of Color Contacts Online

People are always trying to switch up their look. Whether it is with makeup, hair dye, clothes, or accessories. But recently there had been a new phenomenon known as circle lenses or color contacts. What helps this grow is that fact that you can buy color contacts online.
Eye doctors sell contacts to patients who need them, usually they are just clear but some doctors offer them in different colors. But what about people who don't need contacts or glasses but still want to change their eye color. Well Asian websites have started selling contact lenses that have no prescription. Asian girls started wearing circle lenses to make their eyes appear bigger!
The thicker the band around the circle lens, the bigger your eye will look. Different websites also sell colored contacts that won't change your eye size, just the color. But there has been some issues with colored contacts and circle lenses.
When you're buying contacts online there is no such thing as "one fits all" everyone has a different eye curve and only professional eye doctors can measure this. Make sure you talk to a eye doctor before you go online and start buying colored contacts and circle lenses. If you choose a contact that doesn't fit your eye it will scratch it and may cause serious damage.
Contacts have started coming in more than just simple colors. You can now get contacts with writing, animal print, even glow in the dark! But some companies are taking advantage of this huge phenomenon and selling contacts that are not safe for your eyes. Some people have even lost their sight. Make sure you do your research to find out which companies are safe and which ones are dangerous and you should avoid. Girls on YouTube do videos addressing colored contacts and circle lenses. It's a good idea to watch their videos and see which companies they swear by.
Legally contacts have to have prescription in them. But lots of sites sell them without. Even though it is illegal many people still trust them. As long as you buy from a trustworthy company and you take care of them you should be fine.
All the contacts come with an expiration date, make sure you DO NOT use them once the contacts have expired. Take care of your colored/circle lenses the same way you would regular contacts. Store them in contact solution and keep them clean.
For the most part colored contacts and circle lenses are a great addition to the beauty community. They're a cool way to express yourself and change up your look! When buying them keep in might which colors would look good on you. Pink contacts tend to make your eyes look irritated. If you are getting them for Halloween or a party then go all out! But if you are planning to wear them around town and everyday I'd recommend not getting crazy colors like red, pink, orange, purple. Some purple contacts look very natural and nice but others are a little extreme.
There are a type of circle lenses that have a pattern called the "diamond pattern." This is a very popular look that usually has hazel and black. It looks kind of like animal print mixed with zigzags. They may sound crazy, but they actually look very natural and pretty if you get them in the right color.
To rap everything up, circle lenses and colored contacts are fun and creative! Just make sure you do your research and talk to an eye doctor before you start buying them. Remember to take good care of them and don't wear them for more than 6-8 hours at a time.
Hope this article helped and have a great time switching up your look!

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