Tuesday 11 September 2012

Seeking an Allergist - Treating the Root Cause

Allergy medications are responsible for a billion dollar business in the United States alone, and it's no wonder why. Every year, millions of Americans are confronted with unpleasant symptoms ranging from itchy skin to difficulty breathing because of allergens in the air. Unfortunately, because the medications are easily available from your local drugstore, many people simply buy more boxes of pills instead of visiting an allergist to see what can be done about the root problem. Are these medications bad? Not at all, but they are addressing the symptoms alone. What you want to treat is the cause.
Know The Cause
It is far from unusual to see someone downing endless pills without having the slightest clue of what they are or are not treating. Many longtime fans antihistamines aren't even sure if they're allergic to anything at all. They know they're experiencing the same symptoms they see on the commercials, and that's about all. This is no way to take care of your health. Make an appointment with an allergist and get to the bottom of your suffering. Perhaps nothing can be done. Perhaps all a doctor will do is confirm your suspicions and recommend you continue taking your medicine. But at least you'll know what you're fighting.
Don't Wait
Many people make the mistake of waiting until their symptoms kick into high gear before they start looking for relief. You can't blame someone for doing this the first time they experience the cycle, but what about the fourth or fifth time? At some point, you have to realize this if going to happen every year. Don't wait until your symptoms overwhelm you to seek help. If you're in a treatment plan with an allergist, keep it up, even when your symptoms seem to have disappeared. If you're taking OTC meds to fight through it, try starting your regimen a few weeks before your annual triggers start showing up.
Control Your Environment
It's common sense, but it's one of the most frequently dispensed pieces of advice an allergist will give to his patients. If you know you're allergic to something, do everything in your power to avoid that substance. If that means you cut out your walks through a flowery meadow in the spring, so be it. If it means giving away your pets, well, that might be tough but you have to do what you have to do. Over cleaning your house probably isn't going to help much, but you should stay on top of the chores. A tidy, clean house is much less likely to trigger your symptoms.

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